Per Aaslo

About me


Per Aaslo


45 Years


Korsør, Danmark


10+ Years


Cand. Scient.


 +45 22 54 90 60


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Multiple years experiece using the Bruker Maxis Impact mass spectrometer for running intact mass, protein identification and peptide mapping for mostly European and America costomers and reporting the results on a high scientific level.  

Cand. Scient. in Molecular Biology & Environmental
Biology" from Roskilde University

Currently looking for job


Highly organized and motivated Analytical Chemist with more than 6 years of experience in a quick analysis turnaround laboratory. Possess excellent communication, researching, analytical, report-writing, and technical skills along with the ability to coordinate and work with cross-functional teams. At Alphalyse I was responsible for independently operating their Bruker Maxis Impact nanoLC-MS/MS system and performing intact mass, protein identification and peptide mapping on a daily basis. I also diagnose and troubleshoot the instrument when ever needed. Other instruments and analytical techniques I have experience operating are EvoSep, Dionex Ultimate nanoLC, Agilent 1200 series and BioChrom plus Waters Acquity UPLC for amino acid analysis.


You can contact me directly using the email form placed to the right. It's also possible to get in touch with me using social media like Linkedin or facebook.

My contact information can also be found at the end of this page.


Professional Experience


May 2014 - Sep 2020 (6 years) 

As Protein chemist

One of my main tasks at Alphalyse was running standard protein analysis and peptide mapping using mass spectrometry. During that time I have also been having the overall responsibility for one of their Q-Tof instruments (Bruker Impact II) and the LC systems used in combination with this system (Dionex Ultimate, Agilent 1200 and EvoSep One).

I have been a part of the protein analysis team at Alphalyse and directly involved in project related to protein identification by nanoLC-MS/MS, and intact protein mass analysis (MW determination). My day-to-day tasks was to ensure that the instruments were performing in accordance with our standard operating procedures, and to run customer samples. I have also been involved in the reporting of the results from these analysis to the customers. These reports did sometimes required that I communicated on a high scientific level in English as most of the clients were from both Europe and North America


2013 - 2013 (2 months)

As Analytical chemist

My task during this brief time was to update controlcharts, validationdata and endreports based on compounds that were analyzed in 2012 and also adjusting the descriptions in some of the analytical methods regarding lab. equipment.


2013 - 2013 (2 months) 

As Analytical chemist

My task was to calculate and update the standardcurves in most of their analytical methods, so that the measured concentration was within the expected concentration range.

Aarhus University

2008-2011 (2 years and 10 months)

As Ph.D Student

The aim of the project were to increase health benefits of Barley and develop varieties with improved baking properties.

My main tasks were:

  • Installation and daily maintenance of a Waters Acquity UPLC, Waters QTOF Premier system.
  • Performed trypsin and chymotrypsin in-gel digestion of storage proteins.
  • Identifying specific storage proteins in Barley using Biopharmalynx
  • Setting up UPLC methods to determine the overall amino acid composition of storage proteins.
  • Screening of hordein patterns (storage proteins) from Barley cultivars using SDS Page.
  • Variations in amino acid patterns analyzed by UPLC/ AccQ Tag Ultra AA
  • Create PCA plots (Principal Component Analysis) to visualize changes in amino acid composition.
  • UPLC method development


2008 - 2008 (6 months) 

As Analytical chemist

HPLC method development on Agilent 1100 HPLC / Agilent MSD Detektor used for impurity and stability testing. Structure elucidation using deuterium on mass spec. The job gave insights in a pharmaceuticals workplace, writing SOP’s, data analysis, reports, analysis certificate etc.

Aarhus University

2007 - 2008 (11 months) 

As Analytical chemist

The task was to quantify secondary metabolites in agricultural crops promoting human health in cereals by LCMS and LC-MS/MS on a Agilent 1100 HPLC and a Agilent MSD Detector.

2006-2006 (4 months)


As Scientific Assistant

The goal was to set up an Elisa method to be able to diagnose Kisspeptin deficiency in children.

Roskilde University

2003-2003 (3 months)

As Scientific Assistant

Age determination of about forty Baluga whales (The National Environmental Research Institute) using LCMS/ MS and GCMS.

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